About Us

The Center for Health Information & Policy (CHIP) is a 501c3 educational organization engaged in health care research, public education, and advocacy. The mission of CHIP is to educate the public about the health care system in the U.S., and advocate for better health care for all Americans. Our purpose is to continuously research the state of public health and medical delivery systems, inform citizens and watchdog agencies about the status of those systems, and to support lobbying groups for policies that will improve them.

The types of activities in which we are engaged include:

  • Research related to the health and medical-care status of specific underserved groups and publication in peer reviewed journals.
  • Dissemination of updates regarding our research on major medical-delivery systems such as Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and the Affordable Care Act.
  • Public speaking for the purpose of informing the public about the implications of the changing medical-delivery system and the influence of the medical-industrial complex.
  • Dissemination of information regarding biotechnology and the current state of the bioethics profession.
  • Promotion of bio-humanism – a new term for describing the rights and needs of all humans for a culture, society, and government that place their mental and physical health above all other economic and political goals.
  • Providing our research and data to congressional lobbyists and health-related agencies regarding legislation and rule-making affecting the health care of U.S. residents.